BiPSU takes strides towards inclusive education

In an effort to promote inclusivity and diversity, Biliran Province State University (BiPSU) has implemented a series of initiatives aimed at addressing the specific needs of various student groups.

One notable initiative focuses on Indigenous Peoples (IPs), particularly the Mamanwa community. BiPSU has developed and implemented programs that include scholarships and financial assistance tailored to meet the unique requirements of Mamanwa students. The institution takes pride in its affirmative policy, extending support not only to local IPs but also to those from neighboring areas.

Addressing the Seventh Day Adventist students, BiPSU has introduced a distinct schedule for their National Service Training Program (NSTP), accommodating their religious practices. Their NSTP takes place every Sunday, aligning with the Seventh Day Adventist faith, which observes a day of rest on Saturdays.

To ensure a safe and respectful learning environment, BiPSU has taken a proactive stance against gender-based sexual harassment. The university has crafted a comprehensive Code of Decorum, establishing guidelines to foster a campus free from sexual harassment.

Under the leadership of Dr. Victor C. Caňezo, Jr., BiPSU has embraced a visionary approach known as Transborder Leadership in Education. This framework emphasizes the importance of diversity across borders and underscores the need for agility and adaptability in the field of education.

Furthermore, Dr. Caňezo has developed an inclusive leadership strategy known as LEAD IT, an acronym representing Listening Actively, Empowerment, Adaptability, Dignity and Respect, Innovation, and Teaching by Example. This strategy aims to cultivate a leadership culture that is responsive to the diverse needs of the university community.

In terms of infrastructure, BiPSU has prioritized accessibility and inclusivity for persons with disabilities. The university's infrastructure designs are crafted to ensure that all students, regardless of physical abilities, can navigate the campus with ease.

BiPSU's commitment to inclusive education extends across various facets of student life, demonstrating a dedication to fostering an environment that is diverse, accommodating, and respectful for all.


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Brilliance. Innovation. Progress. Service and Unity
P.Inocentes St, Naval, Biliran Philippines 6560

(053) 507-0014