Assistive Technology Resources


Inclusive Access to Electronic and Information Technology
BiPSU is committed to providing assistive technology resources to make instructional materials and resources inclusive and accessible.

Diverse Technology, Diverse Needs

We will all encounter some form of handicap at some point in our life, whether temporary or permanent, whether as a result of an accident, pregnancy, disease, or aging. When we construct our environment to accommodate a diverse range of needs and abilities, we significantly reduce the need for individual accommodations and promote an inclusive environment.

As with automated door openers in the real world, we may open the door to electronic information for users of a variety of technologies, including mobile devices and assistive equipment that enables people with impairments to participate in the digital world. It is how we design electronic information that determines whether users of these devices are excluded or included.

Electronic Accessibility Assistance
  • Making online course content accessible
  • Making web content accessible
Contact US

Brilliance. Innovation. Progress. Service and Unity
P.Inocentes St, Naval, Biliran Philippines 6560

(053) 507-0014