Chief of Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Office - Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) Atty. Marlita V. Dagsa paid a courtesy call on University President Dr. Victor C. Cañezo, Jr. to discuss the Implementation of Anti-Counterfeiting, Anti-Piract (ACAP) Policy and future collaborations, June 6.
During the meeting with University President, some key officials, and research personnel of the University, Atty. Dagsa urged everyone to protect their intellectual property rights especially for those with manuals or other copyrighted materials for their students.
The said visit also aimed at intensifying public information and education campaigns through the provided materials by the National Committee on Intellectual Property Rights (NCPR) through the IPOPHL.
To further promote intellectual property and build respect for intellectual property rights, these materials are to be distributed and to be displayed within the university premises.
Atty. Dagsa also discussed programs of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines, which can help BiPSU enhance its research and development outputs through strengthened collaborations and partnership.
"We want to encourage higher educational institution because we want them to apply for Intellectual Property because that will give them the opportunity to commercialize whatever they have developed."
The event was attended by the school deans, research and extension chairpersons, and key research and extension personnel in the University.